Foraction, a growing company.
Founded in 1996, Foraction has been a recognized leader in horizontal drilling within
Quebec and Ontario for nearly 25 years. With the addition of CIPP Corporation’s exclusive license for Eastern Canada in 2017 and the acquisition of Aquarehab in 2019, Foraction is diversifying its range of services and becoming a leader in trenchless water rehabilitation.


Occupational health and safety
The health and safety of employees is a priority for the company. Prevention is therefore an integral part of our work methods. We rely on rigorous planning in order to identify, correct and control hazards, as well as inform, train and supervise workers. Moreover, it is for these reasons that we adhere to the CSST's "zero tolerance" policy. Thus, our management plan in terms of workplace health and safety includes specific action sheets for the various trades as well as a prevention program specific to each site. Safety is everyone's business!

Human resources
Considering that the knowledge and skills of employees constitutes a great asset for our company, we have at heart the well-being and the development of our staff. Several measures have been put in place to offer benefits corresponding to the different needs of employees. In addition, we promote access to continuing education to allow employees to acquire new skills, stay abreast of the latest trends, and thus allow them to apply this knowledge in their daily work. Creating a beneficial impact for the company, this also has the effect of ensuring a stimulating work environment.

We believe that active involvement in our community can make a big difference for society. This is why we support certain causes that are particularly close to our hearts, including those affecting family, health and youth: donations, school supplies and food items are distributed in various aid centers in the region in order to support people in our community. Volunteer activities are also organized with the same goal in mind.
The creation of the Michaudville Group in 2003 enabled the grouping of companies to increase the diversity of services offered and maximize their competitive advantage. Here is the list of companies related to Michaudville: